Scientific journal
Modern problems of science and education
ISSN 2070-7428
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 1,006


Shnyakin P.G. 1, 2 Protopopov A.V. 1, 2 Litvinyuk N.V. 1, 2 Tyumentsev N.V. 2, 1 Bashkov A.A. 2 Usatova I.S. 1, 2
1 Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky of the Ministry of Health of Russia
2 KGBUZ Regional Clinical Hospital
Variations in the structure of the vessels of the neck and brain determine the compensatory capabilities of cerebral blood flow both normally and in the development of pathology. In this regard, of particular interest are the variations in the structure and origin of cerebral vessels, which are characteristic of the embryonic period, but sometimes continue to persist in adulthood. Carotid-vertebrobasilar anastomoses, which provide blood supply to the brain stem and cerebellum for a short time in the embryonic period, are in some cases detected in adults and may be risk factors for the development of pathology. The article presents a review of 24 works from such databases as PubMe, Web of Science, Elibrary on persistent primitive hypoglossal artery in adults and cases of cerebrovascular pathology associated with it. We also present our own clinical observation of a patient with hemorrhagic stroke, in whom a persistent primitive hypoglossal artery was identified. Approximately 0.5% of the adult population has the presence of primitive trigeminal, sublingual, auricular and proatlas arteries. In most cases, they do not cause pathology and are incidental findings during angiographic studies. On the other hand, there are a number of observations linking the presence of persistent primitive arteries with the development of neuralgia of the cranial nerves, arterial aneurysms and cerebrovascular accidents.
key words: carotid-vertebrobasilar anastomoses
primitive hypoglossal artery